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Friday, April 16, 2004

"You Gotta Win to Win"
What’s never mentioned, at least in the American press, is the number of Iraqi casualties: estimated to be between 8,800 and 10,700 civilians killed and tens of thousands wounded. These victims of American firepower have extended families, friends, co-workers and neighbors. Iraqi casualties are followed in the Iraqi and Muslim press with the same avid concern that American casualties are counted here.

It doesn’t take much of an imagination to conclude that a lot of Iraqis are extremely angry -- angry enough to want to fight back -- seeing people they know killed or maimed by a foreign force that doesn’t speak their language, believe in or (as they see it) respect their religion, or understand and appreciate their history and culture.

...Iraqis know that their country had nothing to do with the destruction of the World Trade Center. Many of them, probably a large majority, are glad to see their ruthless dictator gone, but they also know, as Americans don’t want to acknowledge, that it was the U.S. that helped bring Saddam to power. Until the first Gulf War, we provided him with arms and supported his use of biological and chemical weapons. The Bush administration fancies us as liberators; but Iraqis likely see us as hypocrites and invaders.
How can anyone with half a brain not see this?

Jack Clark 9:25 PM [+]  
Post #108217590085304459

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