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osama bin ladenbin laden


September 30, 2001


Bin Laden's Journey From
Rich Pious Lad to the
Mask of Evil


His face is everywhere and nowhere. He was born fabulously rich but is thought to live in desert caves. He seems a soft-spoken ascetic yet he could be the instigator of mass murder. He is an outcast from family, country and religion yet is beloved by millions for his holy war against America.

The myths and realities of Osama bin Laden swirl together like the smoke over the ruins of the World Trade Center and its thousands of dead. Who is this man?

To the United States government, the 44-year-old Saudi exile is the most wanted fugitive in history, the founder and leader of a terrorist network known as Al Qaeda (The Base), which has in a decade trained 5,000 or more militants in Sudan and Afghanistan and posted them to perhaps 50 countries to await their turn to strike. And strike they have, American officials assert, with bin Laden plans, money or inspiration behind the bombings of the trade center in 1993 (6 dead), two American embassies in Africa in 1998 (224 dead) and the destroyer Cole in Yemen in 2000 (17 dead), and the jetliners that collapsed the trade center towers, damaged the Pentagon and crashed in Pennsylvania on Sept. 11 (more than 6,500 feared dead).

To millions of Americans, who have seen his face on television daily and on the magazine covers and front pages of newspapers, Mr. bin Laden is the mask of evil; in many minds he is already guilty of killing thousands, although he has not been found, let alone tried, and no evidence directly linking him with murder has been made public.

To millions in the Islamic world who hate America for what they regard as its decadent culture and imperial government, he is a hero who shunned the easy life to battle the infidels for Allah, who has justified killings with arcane interpretations of the Koran, and carried them out with encrypted e-mail, and plots stored on CD-ROM's.

A Guest Under a War Cloud

To the Taliban, the extremist Islamic clerics who have ruled Afghanistan and given him haven since 1996, he is a a spiritual and political ally and a source of money, but one whose presence has become a growing liability.

And to those closest to him, there is yet another man — the family man who takes his 3 wives and 15 children from cave to cave, moving every night or two, with dozens of bodyguards — one a bin Laden double — in a desert-roving caravan of land cruisers armed with missiles.

Mr. bin Laden went from a childhood of lofty privilege and education in Saudi Arabia to being galvanized by the war against the Soviets in Afghanistan in the 1980's. Investigators say he went to Sudan for five years in the early 1990's to build his network and multiply his fortune, then to Afghanistan, to wage war.

Along the way, the young man — one of 52 children of an immigrant Yemeni bricklayer who became Saudi Arabia's richest building contractor — moved from boyish piety to youthful carousing in the bars of Beirut, then back to Islamic fervor.

Inherited wealth and religious zeal were his formative early pillars. Later there would be harsh emotions: outrage at Soviet invaders in Afghanistan, indignation over American support for Israel, anger at what he saw as Western imperialism, and finally a hatred of an America that, as he saw it, had used its power to oppress the people of Islam.

Investigators and intelligence officials say that those beliefs were the basis for his decisions to oppose the Russians, to make alliances with radicals from Egypt and Pakistan, to rally young men from across the Islamic world to camps in Afghanistan, and there to train them to use weapons, explosives, kidnapping, counterintelligence and other tactics, even flirting with chemical, biological and nuclear weapons.

Mr. bin Laden has denied ordering the deaths of anyone, although he had applauded attacks that have taken American lives as the work of dedicated soldiers of jihad.

Much of what is known about Mr. bin Laden has come from documents captured in raids on suspected terrorist operations, from Western agents who knew him in Pakistan in the 1980's when America aided the Afghan fight against the Soviets, and from testimony by former bin Laden associates, some defectors from his cause, others defendants on trial for terrorism in the United States, all of them seeking leniency or new identities in witness protection programs.

It is an unfinished portrait. As some trial testimony indicated, the image of Mr. bin Laden that has loomed in the American psyche — of an enemy possessing a sophisticated global reach and followers willing to die for the cause — was far from complete. Indeed, the testimony showed a group torn by strife, greed and banalities, and a leader who had cronies, quibbled over pay scales, lacked political and organizational skills and may have profited from opium. And much evidence suggested a loose organization of terrorists who may have no idea who the leader is or where the plans come from.

Osama bin Laden (rhymes with sadden) was born in 1957 in Saudi Arabia, the 17th of 24 sons in a family of immigrants. His mother was Syrian or Palestinian, one of many wives of Mohammed bin Oud bin Laden, who came from neighboring Yemen in 1932 and, through friendship with the country's founder, King Abdel Aziz al-Saud, won contracts to build the infrastructure of roads and refurbish the shrines at Mecca and Medina, Islam's holiest places. The Saudi Binladen Group today has 35,000 employees worldwide and $5 billion in assets.

Osama was 11 or 12 when his father died in a plane crash near San Antonio in 1968. It is unclear how much he inherited — reports vary from $20 million or $80 million to as high as $300 million — but he was wealthy beyond dreams as a boy. He grew tall and lean — eventually reaching 6 feet 5 inches — and towered over classmates and friends.

Like most Saudis, the bin Laden family belonged to the puritanical Wahhabi sect of Sunni Muslims. By most accounts, Osama was a pious boy, attending Islamic classes and private school, although he was never an incisive Islamic scholar. As a teenager, he is said to have flown often to Beirut, where he partied in casinos and nightclubs, chased women and got into occasional brawls.

At 18, he enrolled in King Abdel Aziz University in Jidda and studied civil engineering with the idea of joining his family business. He also listened to taped lectures of an influential teacher, Abdullah Azzam, a Palestinian major figure in the Muslim Brotherhood, which is dedicated to resurgent Islamic faith, and the experience deepened Mr. bin Laden's religious commitment.

In 1979, the year he graduated, the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, and the 22-year-old Mr. bin Laden took his first step into the realm of holy war. Like thousands of young Arabs, he joined in spirit with the Afghan resistance, in outrage at the invasion as a violation of Islamic territory. It was, to Mr. bin Laden and others, an offense against God.

Mr. bin Laden did not take up a rifle. Instead, he raised money and supplies for Afghan fighters, known as mujahedeen. He raised huge sums from oil-rich Arabs in Persian Gulf states, contributed millions from his own fortune and even brought in heavy equipment from his family's company to help build camps, tunnels, military depots and roads for the Afghan forces.

"He's not very sophisticated politically or organizationally," said a former bin Laden associate whose nom de guerre was Abdullah Anas. "But he's an activist with great imagination. He ate very little. He slept very little. He'd give you his clothes. He'd give you his money."

A Man the West Could Use

In 1984, Mr. bin Laden moved to Peshawar, Pakistan, where he was known to some of the American and French agents who were intriguing to manipulate the Afghan cause to their countries' advantage. He also joined Abdullah Azzam, whose taped lectures had influenced him at the university, in forming Makhtab al Khadimat, a group that recruited and trained Muslim volunteers from Egypt, Algeria and other countries to fight in the Afghan war.

The Central Intelligence Agency was funneling arms and money to the mujahedeen, and some of the aid may have gone to the Makhtab al Khadimat. It was to play a major role in raising the concept of global holy war to a reality over the next decade, eventually becoming the organization known as Al Qaeda.

Mr. Azzam wanted the organization to support the Afghan cause exclusively, but Mr. bin Laden sympathized with many Muslims who saw Western perils in their homelands and embraced the idea of wider jihad, or holy war.

Among those courting him were a group of radicals belonging to the Egyptian Islamic Jihad, which helped to assassinate President Anwar el-Sadat of Egypt in 1981. The group advocated the overthrow of governments by terrorism and violence, and one of its key figures, Ayman al-Zawahiri, became Mr. bin Laden's chief associate.

Business and Bioweapons

In 1986, according to intelligence officials, Mr. bin Laden began to chart an independent course, setting up his own training camp for 50 Persian Gulf Arabs who lived in separate tents. He called the camp Al Masadah, The Lion's Den. A year later, the Afghan-support organization divided and in 1988 Mr. bin Laden and the Egyptians formed Al Qaeda.

By 1989, Afghanistan had become a deadly quagmire for Moscow, which was forced to withdraw. Intoxicated by their triumph in Afghanistan, Mr. bin Laden and other volunteers returned to their homelands, eager to apply the principles of jihad wherever they seemed needed. The Koran sets strict limits on holy war, but the Afghan veterans were guided by their own radical interpretations.

Back in Saudi Arabia, Mr. bin Laden was indignant with corruption in the government and became enraged when King Fahd let American forces, with their rock music and Christian and Jewish troops, wage the Persian Gulf war from Saudi soil in early 1991. After the conflict he moved back to Afghanistan, but did not stay long. He told associates that Saudi Arabia had hired Pakistani operatives to kill him.

Still, Mr. bin Laden moved in 1991 to Sudan, where a militant Islamic government had taken power. Over the next five years, he may have multiplied his fortune and built a group that combined business with holy war under the umbrella of Al Qaeda.

Jamal Ahmed al-Fadl, who described himself as Mr. bin Laden's paymaster, told a federal court in Manhattan last February that Al Qaeda was comparable to a modern corporation, with a finance committee, investments, and a network of profitable ventures.

American agents first came upon the global ambitions of Mr. bin Laden in 1993 while investigating the World Trade Center bombing, though evidence of his direct involvement is not conclusive.

In 1994, Saudi Arabia revoked his citizenship and his family disowned him. Islamic leaders in other countries, offended that he used Islam to justify murder, disavowed him.

By then, American officials regarded Mr. bin Laden as a stateless sponsor of terrorism. Washington pressed Sudan to expel him, and in 1996 succeeded. He went back to Afghanistan. Before long, the Taliban was letting him use the country as what Mr. Anas called a "jihad camp for the world.".

Copyright 2001 The New York Times Company

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